- Develop comprehensive guidance for all eight elements of the newly released NFCC Community Risk Management Framework (CRMP) to be adaptable to all services irrespective of size, location, or level of resource.
- Develop a universally applicable and statistically verifiable methodology based on background fire response and reporting data for each nation, to establish the Economic and Social Value of any Fire and Rescue Service, irrespective of size, location, or level of resource.
Working under the auspices of the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC):
THE STRATEGY - Value add within budget in italics
Community Risk Management Planning
- Under the guidance of a Project Board that was representative of all nations, and working directly with the Chair of that board, work collaboratively with Subject Matter Experts within the four nations of the UK FRS and externally with key research and training bodies, to identify gaps in existing guidance and collate best practice from which to draw a universally applicable series of guidance documents.
- Contract subject matter expertise externally to draft guidance.
- With the external organisations, hold extensive workshops on each theme of the Framework.
- Verify the veracity of the guidance drafts with the group of Single Point of Contact officers (SPOCs) representing all UK FRSs.
- Develop a series of videos that gives the 'So what?' of why a Service would engage with the guidance by showing case studies filmed on location with various Services.
- Hold a final laptop-free workshop to intruduce the final guidance and develop wider understanding of it, and to have Services link and leverage existing knowledge through guided round-table conversations.
Economic and Social Value of the UK FRS
- Under the guidance of a Project Board that was representative of all nations, and working directly with the Chair of that board, work collaboratively with Subject Matter Experts within the four nations of the UK FRS and externally with a well-reputed expert research body, develop a master methodology based on English data that gains approval of key stakeholders including the UK Home Office, from which to then draft equivalent versions using data of each of the other nations.
- Engage Nottinham Trent University experts to work collaboratively with FRS teams to establish ultra-conservative statistical models using only verifiable data that was as current as possible, and where not available to establish reasonable predictions based upon models of a similar type in use in other disciplines or sectors.
- Following issues raised by the UK Home Office questioning the verifiability of the base data, held a worhop of Home Office and NFCC teams to respond to the challenges and establish a mutually agreable path forward with data agreed by the Home Office as being current and relevant.
- Following further issues thereto, held a final workshop using a grid of all questions and challenges that had been submitted and working systematically through this until there was agreement on each point.
- Develop a 'digital tool' into which any FRS can insert its own base data to utilise the methodology.
- Test the 'tool' with Subject Matter Experts representative of the UK FRS.
- Hold explanatory introductory workshops led by the methodology developers.
- Establish new and more relevant 'Family Groups': Having gathered the data, it became apparent that this data could also be used to re-format the 'Family Groups' of the UK FRS that had previously been established so that FRSs with like risks and levels of risk could work collaboratively. The existing groupings were no longer representative of the many boundary and structural changes that had occurred in the intervening decades.
- Develop a branded card game to introduce the new Family Groups and use this to develop new streams of collaboration.
- Develop an explanatory video that simplified the complexity of the methodology to engaging, clear, and succint explanation.
Community Risk Management Planning
- Project completed on time and within budget with value add of the accompanying videos
- During the final one-day introductory workshop not one participant was observed using a mobile phone as all were actively engaged in knowledge sharing.
- The final worksshop had representation from 45 of the 49 UK FRss and had representation from every nation.
- Workstreams were developed on areas identified as worthwhile to give further development by self-guided groups across the nations.
- Guidance in operation and adopted by His Majesty's Inspectorate as a guiding measure in evaluating effectiveness and efficiency across the nation's FRS community
Economic and Social Value of the UK FRS
- Project completed on time and within budget with value-add of the introductory explanatory video and new Family Groups and card game
- The methodology recognised internationally as a 'World First' in its comprehensiveness and adaptablity to any service by enabling use of own data.
- The Home Office of the UK accepted this methodology as a complement to their methodology for the cost of the UK FRS
- Methodology in wide use assisting UK FRSs in more effective decision-making as to where resources can be deployed to best advantage.